Hello and Welcome to Eliyo!
If you want to get started right away, then Visit Clayton in Lavinth, a city in the world of Eliyo. Clayton is a breeder of sorts and may be willing to help you out. He knows a lot about taking care of elons too.
If you prefer to read more before jumping in then you can continue by reading the Getting Started Guide now and then visit Clayton when you’re ready. You could also visit the Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) page to get some quick answers.
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Search Results
- Final Reserves - Newbie Starter Pack
- Your final reserves. Open it up to see what you have left.
- Power Surge Rune Stone
- The glowing crystal emits a strange electrical energy. Use it on an elon to learn Power Surge, but it'll shatter once used up.
- Electric Shock Rune Stone
- The glowing crystal emits a strange electrical energy. Use it on an elon to learn Electric Shock, but it'll shatter once used up.
- Firestorm Rune Stone
- The glowing crystal emits a strange fire energy. Use it on an elon to learn Firestorm but it'll shatter once used up.
- Frigid Blast Rune Stone
- The glowing crystal emits a strange ice energy. Use it on an elon to learn Frigid Blast, but it'll shatter once used up.
- Energy Pulse Rune Stone
- The glowing crystal emits a strange raw energy. Use it on an elon to learn Energy Pulse, but it'll shatter once used up.
- Vine Absorb Rune Stone
- The glowing crystal emits a strange plant energy. Use it on an elon to learn Vine Absorb, but it'll shatter once used up.
- Landslide Rune Stone
- The glowing crystal emits a strange stone energy. Use it on an elon to learn Landslide, but it'll shatter once used up.
- Monsoon Rune Stone
- The glowing crystal emits a strange water energy. Use it on an elon to learn Monsoon, but it'll shatter once used up.
- Gale Storm Rune Stone
- The glowing crystal emits a strange wind energy. Use it on an elon to learn Gale Storm, but it'll shatter once used up.
- Green Valley Painting
- Beautiful valley full of green hues with a blue river flowing down the middle.
- Fall Valley Painting
- Beautiful valley with fall colors radiating throughout. A river runs down the middle.
- Swamp Forest Painting
- Green hues dominate the area, but if you look closely you can see some wild herbs and mushrooms.
- Purple Swamp Forest Painting
- Unnatural purple hues dominate the area giving off an eerie glow. Herbs and mushrooms can be seen if you look close enough.
- Cloudless Spring Painting
- Cloudless blue skies over green pines. Mountains can be seen in the distance.