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McLovin's Profile

Let's start this over again. Hello! I am McLovin and I don't do much here. I enjoy breeding elons and training I suppose. She/They/He‎ You can find me on Sylestia, The Final Outpost, Flight Rising, and Dragon Cave yk? I may go by different usernames so please ask me if you wish to friend me on there.

Adopt one today!Adopt one today!Adopt one today!Adopt one today!Adopt one today!

Collection Or To Keep Track

Looks like the cabinet is empty, you see nothing but dust.


  • Silver Pine Forest Trophy
    x 1
McLovin #8002
Level: 1
Joined: Oct 24, 2021
Online: 1 year ago
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Prey dummy zorvic brown with blue eyes and the text 'Training' overland.
Red topped tear off calendar with the word "Active" written on it over a flashy yellow backdrop.
Burlap seed bag with some wheat on the front.
Shows a stick in a heart with the word play.
A sleeping zorvic with green markings on a blue swirl background with the word "Tired" above.