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Kitty-lover's Profile

I'll be back Aug 25th! hope everyone has a great summer! I will try to become EVERYONE'S friend on here, so friend me! I already have a medium list of friends and I have made it my goal to become everyone's friend, I am nice (as long as u don't make me mad :)) I am a Scorpio, my favorite color is like a dark blueish purple PMS 2755 that's the Hex color code, but I like it a bit more blue, I am 16 to be 17 this year (2021), I am in school, and I am here to help anyone who needs it! so just ask me for help and If I don't really know then I'll do my best to help or refer you to someone who could help. :) you can call me Kitty lover, Kitty, or Chaz. ur pick :) Hope u have a good day! Click on these dragons so they can grow pls! Adopt one today! Adopt one today! Adopt one today! Adopt one today!

Kitty-lover's Cabinet

    • Quickbloom

    • 1 Qty
    • Clamroot

    • 1 Qty
    • Yokio Herb

    • 1 Qty
    • Banana

    • 1 Qty
    • Winderberries

    • 1 Qty
View Kitty-lover's Cabinet


Dust lines the shelves. No trophies can be found.

Kitty-lover #7088
Level: 1
Joined: Jan 13, 2021
Online: 3 years ago
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Shows a stick in a heart with the word play.
Prey dummy zorvic brown with blue eyes and the text 'Training' overland.
Burlap seed bag with some wheat on the front.