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KittyFox's Profile

Check out my selling and adoption tabs! What's the difference? Well, selling is for Eliyos I don't want and adoptions are for Eliyos with certain markings or colors I want other players to have! Also the price difference! Selling will have a set price of 100 coins per Eliyo, no matter the color/breed/markings. Same with adoption Eliyos but they have a set price of 50 coins! :D

I have no breeding projects at the moment (This will be updated when I do) but if you want a certain pairing of my Eliyos go ahead and send me a message, I'll breed them and give you any children you want from the pairing for free! If you want specific markings/colors on a specific breed also tell me! I'll try to breed that and give it to you for free. :D

KittyFox's Cabinet

Looks like the cabinet is empty, you see nothing but dust.


  • Silver Deep Grassland Trophy
    x 1
  • Bronze Deep Grassland Trophy
    x 1
  • Bronze Most Wins Trophy
    x 2
  • Gold Savanna Trophy
    x 1
KittyFox #7015
Level: 1
Joined: Dec 22, 2020
Online: 1 day ago
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A sleeping zorvic with green markings on a blue swirl background with the word "Tired" above.
Prey dummy zorvic brown with blue eyes and the text 'Training' overland.
Shows a stick in a heart with the word play.
Red topped tear off calendar with the word "Active" written on it over a flashy yellow backdrop.