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Swallowing's Profile

Name is Gage. Pronouns: He/Him/They Current Age: 31 My Orientation: Aceflux/Aroflux I'm a proud father to the best daughter one could ask for.

What I'm interested in; Baking/Cooking, Gardening/Nature, Music, Gaming, Sleeping, Psychological/Thrillers, Folklore/Mythology/Documentaries, Dreams/Pastlifes, Occasional Smoking, etc..

Things I dislike; Stepping on water on the floor, People who don't finish their sentences, Clutter, Overly strict/rude people, Cliff hangars, Certain words, People touching me, Waking up, Bad drivers, People who don't know what they want, Waiting for any reason (be it at the drs or checkout line), Robo calls, etc..

Swallowing has no favorited elons.

My Goodies

    • Green Heirloom Tomato

    • 2 Qty
    • Orange Heirloom Tomato

    • 4 Qty
    • Kumato Tomato

    • 6 Qty
    • Yellow Heirloom Tomato

    • 2 Qty
    • Red Heirloom Tomato

    • 9 Qty
View My Goodies


  • Bronze Grassland Trophy
    x 1
Swallowing #6903
Level: 1
Joined: Nov 23, 2020
Online: 4 years ago
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A little green plant bursting out of the ground.
Prey dummy zorvic brown with blue eyes and the text 'Training' overland.
Shows a stick in a heart with the word play.
Burlap seed bag with some wheat on the front.