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Shimmerfang's Profile

You smile as you walk down the familiar dirt path in the pine forest. It's been a good day, so far, and you hope to make it home by sundown. Your eyes widen as you hear the bark of an angry zorvic. Before you can reach for a stick or something to defend yourself with, a flash of blue and yellow knocks you over and your vision goes dark.

You gasp as you open your eyes and sit up. How long have you been out? Five minutes? An hour? A week? You groan and study your surroundings. You are sitting in a comfortable chair inside what looks like an old hollow tree with windows. The chair is the only piece of furniture besides an oak desk that looks like it hasn't been used in ages. As you struggle to stand up, one of the shadows in the corner moves. You stifle a scream as a fully grown black male preat steps forward and sniffs you.

"His name's Adusa." You slowly turn towards the voice, careful not to bump the preat. One of the walls suddenly swings inward and a girl with long, bright red hair pulled back into a braid and blueish eyes steps into the tiny room. She looks to be about 14 or 15. The preat forgets all about you and leaps towards the girl. She laughs and shrugs sheepishly.

"I figured you might want some company when you woke up." She says. You frown. "Where am I? And who are you?!" The girl looks extremely uncomfortable. "You can call me Shimmerfang. You're uh... Well you're in my house. Ellana found you in the forest and dragged you here." "Ellana?" you ask. She yawns. "My zorvic." You groan. "Of course."

The girl, Shimmerfang, is starting to get impatient. "Look I'm sorry my zorvic dragged you here, and frankly I'm not quite sure why you're out in the forest alone in the first place, but you can go back to where you came from whenever you like." She turns around and walks out through the tree door with Adusa following. You scowl and follow the strange girl.

You gasp in amazement as you step outside. You are in a huge clearing covered with lush green grass. The clearing is dotted with mounds made of clay and dried mud. Elons of all breeds and ages can be seen everywhere. You catch sight of Shimmerfang and Adusa on the far side of the clearing along with a familiar blue and yellow zorvic as well as a white nyrin with glowing eyes. She grins at you. "Welcome to my home! Feel free to check out my elons before you go!"

Hecate's Garden

    • Winderberries

    • 1 Qty
    • This vine seems like it's watching your every move. You step past it quickly.
    • Yokio Herb

    • 1 Qty
    • Oh hey, you know this one! You're tempted to pluck a couple by the roots and take them with you, but you don't want to experience the wrath of Shimmerfang.
    • Clamroot

    • 1 Qty
    • ...Is this a plant? It feels like a rock crossed with a kid's toy.
    • Sharpshoots

    • 1 Qty
    • You make the mistake of touching this thorny flower. Ow ow ow ow.
    • Ziksang Flower

    • 1 Qty
    • This pink flower is planted meticulously in bunches faraway from the other plants.
View Hecate's Garden


  • Silver Savanna Trophy
    x 1
  • Silver Most Wins Trophy
    x 1
  • Silver Dirt Path Trophy
    x 1
  • Gold Pine Forest Trophy
    x 1
  • Bronze Desert Trophy
    x 1
  • Gold Sandy Desert Trophy
    x 1
  • Silver Rain Forest Trophy
    x 1
  • Bronze Mountain Trophy
    x 1
  • Bronze Most Points Trophy
    x 1
  • Gold Most Wins Trophy
    x 1
  • Silver Mountain Trophy
    x 1
Shimmerfang #6816
Level: 1
Joined: Nov 6, 2020
Online: 3 years ago
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Shows a stick in a heart with the word play.
A sleeping zorvic with green markings on a blue swirl background with the word "Tired" above.
Burlap seed bag with some wheat on the front.