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You look around, confused. Having no idea where you are. You're on land you don't recognize. Not only that, but you're dizzy and stagger with every step you take. Everything around you is blurry and you don't know what is wrong. You try to walk forward yet you trip over a hole and land flat on your face. That knock however, seemed to give you a better grip of yourself and your eyes become a little clearer. Although your head still spins and you realize how much your body aches. You look up and see a thick vine barrier covered in thorns, roses, and some type of spore pod. Weirdly, there was this aura or force that made you want to go towards it. You slowly stand up, and stagger forward. You're at least 2 feet away from it and for some reason reach out your hand. Almost as if sensing your presence the spore pods burst open and the last thing you see is the ground coming closer and closer as your eyes start to close… You wake in a eerie room. You immediately sit up. But wait your headache, its gone and you don't feel dizzy anymore. But that still doesn't answer the question of where you are or... how you got here. The room you were in looked something similar to hospice except that the walls were bulky and made out of metal. The bedsheet you were laying on was made out of leaves. The bed itself was a bunch of bricks. You start to stand up and look to the door. What really stuck out to you were the metal bars on the door and it didn't have door handles. It kind of reminded you of a jail cell. What looked like doorbell was to the left of the door and you go over to push it. Almost immediately the door of bars slides up and you hear a long 'Bzzzzzzt'. You take a few steps out into a long hallway with darkness surrounding both ends. Not knowing of whats on either end of the hallway, you pick a side and start walking. You notice that something behind you moves which makes you jump and turn around. Two creatures stare at you with hard expressions and start to surround you. The one behind you has starry blue fur with purple mixed into it, while the one in front of you is a steaming red with an ashy-black saddle. The red one grunts "Move it!" and shoves you in front of him to the left, and you start walking into the seemingly never ending hallway. You don't know if you’re more surprised that he shoved you or that he talked. The blue one stays behind you while the red one starts moving to your side. After what seemed like forever you all finally reach the end of the hallway to a door that says 'Office' plated in silver. The red one opens the door by pushing a button and you all head inside. The blue one pushes you into the middle of the room and you’re faced by another creature. This one was cat-like and it had a beautiful grey coat with minty green eyes. It was sitting on a chair behind a desk. The room was greatly decorated with all sorts of plants. And there was a huge painting of a person with their hand on the cat-creature’s head. She looks up from the desk,"Ahh you're awake.' She says in a calm manner. You widen you eyes, puzzled. She smiles,"Welcome to the Facility of Elons. Yes I, and these two lovely creatures are Elons." She explains and starts to get out of her seat, "My name is Mist. The red one is Adder and the blue one is Galaxy. Perfectly fitting names for us if I do say so myself." You had to agree with that, but you're so shocked that this is even possible you can't say anything at all. "Anyways back to business, do you know what grounds you are standing on right now?" She didn't wait for an answer, "Well obviously I have already told you that this is the Facility of Elons. But we have a job to do here. We can't have random humans walking onto this land stopping our work. This land was supposed to be secret. NO outsiders can know that this place exists!” She pauses, “My master will be very displeased indeed." She starts mumbling to herself, looking at her paws, "What should I do with them?.. I can't make them work here till they die can I? Or lock them up so they'd never see daylight again?" You start fidgeting worriedly, noticing that Mist thinks up some type of answer. Her head naps back towards you, "Alright I've decided to wait until Master comes back from her duties. Then SHE will decide what to do with you." Mist thinks to her self for a moment, “She has travelled pretty far handling things you wouldn’t understand so it may be a while til she gets back. In the mean time, you will work here. Galaxy will show you around the place. He is not as feisty as Adder I suppose. I could keep you here and get to know you a lil bit… Buuut then again, I don't want unknown and ESPECIALLY awkward human in my master's office." With a flick of her tail she dismisses you and Galaxy calls you over. You follow him out the door. "Listen here okay, if you obey EVERY word I say, when I say it, I will talk to master to at least have the idea of keeping you if she thinks about throwing you away." You give him a confused look and he sighs," By throwing away, I mean literally thrown into a pit of sharks or some other creative way to dispose of you. Almost every human to stumble here never is seen again...." He trails off. Galaxy turns away from you and starts walking forward, you reluctantly follow....

The Facility of Elon's Cabinet

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OodlesofNoodles #5413
Level: 1
Joined: Sep 28, 2019
Online: 1 month ago
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