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Ephemeralix's Profile

Nervous, Weird, wants to make friends, likes to write and draw, trying to find out what my future career is, wants to make a sim game, suffers for GAD so conversations could be awkward. I am a very nervous kind of person with little to no self confidence ahaha. I'm extremely awkward and so most people avoid conversations with me in general but I really want to make friends. I did do roleplays but I haven't roleplayed in forever. I love to read fantasy and sci-fi. I play dungeons and dragons. I'm strange. I'm a horse trainer who used to train horses for Raising Cain Ranch. I Love animals and dragons and I love fantasy creatures of all types. Dinosaurs are cool. Why am I typing all this...

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Ephemeralix #2652
Level: 1
Joined: Jul 2, 2018
Online: 6 years ago
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