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muffinthedog's Profile

As you walk through the City of Lavinth something catches your eye. You look towards a nearby alleyway to see a small sign made of painted cardboard. "RESIDENCE OF SAGE, GUESTS ALWAYS WELCOME :D" is scribbled sloppily in purple paint, along with an arrow pointing inside. Curious, you walk towards the alleyway, wondering if it was some kind of trick. You're standing at the entrance when you notice a small door, hidden in the back. You approach it cautiously and knock on the door.

"Oh- Come in! I'll be just a second!" you hear someone say from the other side. You open the door and duck inside.

You look around to see a large room cluttered with furniture. The walls are covered in bookshelves filled with various trinkets. A hammock swings above a desk in the corner of the room. An unusually small zorvic is lounging on it, wearing a pink bandanna with the word "Muffin" written on it. It doesn't seem to notice you. You feel something bump into your leg and look down to see a galactic looking zorvic staring at you curiously. Suddenly, a door behind the desk flings open to reveal a teenager carrying a cream and beige zorvic with a bandage on its head.

"Hi! My name is Sage!" they say cheerfully. "This is Xaria, she got a bit hurt last night," they say, looking down at the zorvic they're carrying. "And that's Cosmic," they said, looking to the zorvic who was now following you. "Follow me," they exclaimed, opening the door they had just came from.

The door opened into a large fenced in area, filled with wandering elons. "This is my little ranch, feel free to stop by anytime! The elons appreciate the company!"

"Well, most of them," they added with a smirk. "I've gotta finish fixing up Xaria, feel free to stick around though. Or if you want you can leave too, anythings fine by me." And with that, they returned to the room.

Cluttered Shelves Of Trinkets

    • Dark Straight Ear Zorvic Plush

    • 1 Qty
    • Woodland Preat Plush - Male

    • 1 Qty
    • Cream Zorvic Plush

    • 1 Qty
    • Nyrin Patches Plush

    • 1 Qty
View Cluttered Shelves Of Trinkets


  • Bronze Desert Trophy
    x 1
  • Silver Desert Trophy
    x 5
  • Gold Desert Trophy
    x 4
  • Gold Sandy Desert Trophy
    x 1
  • Silver Sandy Desert Trophy
    x 1
muffinthedog #2495
Level: 1
Joined: May 13, 2018
Online: 2 years ago
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Prey dummy zorvic brown with blue eyes and the text 'Training' overland.
Red topped tear off calendar with the word "Active" written on it over a flashy yellow backdrop.
Shows a stick in a heart with the word play.