Hello and Welcome to Eliyo!
If you want to get started right away, then Visit Clayton in Lavinth, a city in the world of Eliyo. Clayton is a breeder of sorts and may be willing to help you out. He knows a lot about taking care of elons too.
If you prefer to read more before jumping in then you can continue by reading the Getting Started Guide now and then visit Clayton when you’re ready. You could also visit the Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) page to get some quick answers.
×Hello !

Sky sneezes and jumps about three feet in the air before looking around, wondering where that loud noise came from. She looks at you for answers, wearing such a bemused expression it's almost comical.

Ready to breed.
Sky hasn't done anything recently.
Level 70%
Elon Description
I bought Sky from Clayton a while back was she was around five days old. One look at her an I knew we would do great things together. I have raised her since then, out bod growing stronger and I am proud to have such a Zorvic on my team, :D
Commerce Information for Sky
Coin Cost
Not available for coins.
Elyte Cost
Not available for elytes.
Public Breeding
Not available for public breeding.