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×Huevos y Chicharrones Recipe √

Huevos y Chicharrones Recipe √ pants and drools a little, whining a hello at your approach. Her tail wags a little but she doesn't get up when she sees you.

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Level 67%
Elon Description
A Hispanic friend in Houston, TX taught me this in the 90's. It was the quick breakfast she made for her 3 children before they rushed off to school. It's ready as quickly as eggs scramble, and keeps them satisfied longer than eggs alone would. The flavors are addictive. This is enough for three hungry kiddos. Heat up a skillet, drop in about 3 tablespoons soft butter, olive oil or meat drippings of choice, allow to heat up on medium high heat. Crack 4 to 5 eggs in a bowl, give it a couple flips with a fork just enough to break the yolks and slightly stir them together. Pour the partially beaten eggs into the hot skillet. In your hands, crush around one cup fried pork skins (chicharones) and sprinkle those onto the cooking eggs and barely mix with a spatula or cooking spoon. The chicharrones will snap, crackle and pop once they touch the raw eggs. Add salt and pepper if you want. Allow this to sit un-stirred a moment, then cook them as you'd normally scramble eggs. Depending on how hot the skillet is, this will be completely cooked in a few minutes. Try not to overcook, as they'll continue cooking once plated. These can be eaten with a spoon from a bowl or plate, or rolled up in warm flour tortillas and served once cool enough to eat. Options: If you've got a morning with more free time, the more traditional method is to brown some chorizo and diced onions together, drain off the grease, then add the raw eggs and crushed chicharrones, and continue scrambling as usual. Serve wrapped up in warm flour tortillas, or plate them and eat with a spoon. Ingredient Options: Diced Green Chiles Shredded Cheese (try Oaxacan Cheese) Jalapenos Crumbled, cooked bacon Ham dices Crumbled thawed Tater Tots Diced green Onions Pulled Pork Red and Green Peppers, chopped Chorizo, browned and drained Pork Pan Sausage, browned and drained And many other options.
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