Hello and Welcome to Eliyo!
If you want to get started right away, then Visit Clayton in Lavinth, a city in the world of Eliyo. Clayton is a breeder of sorts and may be willing to help you out. He knows a lot about taking care of elons too.
If you prefer to read more before jumping in then you can continue by reading the Getting Started Guide now and then visit Clayton when you’re ready. You could also visit the Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) page to get some quick answers.
×Hello !

Stroodle sneezes and jumps about three feet in the air before looking around, wondering where that loud noise came from. He looks at you for answers, wearing such a bemused expression it's almost comical.

Ready to breed.
Stroodle hasn't done anything recently.
Level 67%
Elon Description
i call her Roo for short for the same reason that i call Eclipse, E. she is a redish-brown squirrel that i tried to release a while ago, but she kept on coming back to my house and chittering at me. she even hitched a ride on the back of my car without my knoledge and came to school with me once! at that point i knew that i had to bring her back into my home before she ended up hurting herself. so when i saw her in the school, i put her in my locker and she stayed there all day. (i had a bit of struggle keeping her in there when i opened my locker between classes, and people called me "squirrel girl" for a week after because she jumped on someones head and i had to deal with that.) and don't worry, she had plenty of food because i shared my lunch with her. after school she sat on my shoulder while i drove home, and when i got home i realized that she was very muddy and dirty and hadn't been eating very much. the first thing i did was give her a lot of water, then gave her a bath in the sink, then gave her a bunch of bird seed. (i didn't have any of the food i would normally give to squirrels at that time because i wasn't expecting her) after she had eaten her fill of bird seed, i made her a little bed to sleep in and she fell asleep almost imediately. i was very concerned because she usually didn't sleep right after eating, but it turned out she was just really tired from her long day, and she is 100% healthy.
Commerce Information for Stroodle
Coin Cost
Not available for coins.
Elyte Cost
Not available for elytes.
Public Breeding
Not available for public breeding.