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Elon Prism

Cimmeris pants and drools a little, whining a hello at your approach. Her tail wags a little but she doesn't get up when she sees you.

Cimmeris (16091) Female Gender Symbol
Adult (20 Days)
Natural icon Zorvic
Traits: Naive, Reliant, Solitary
Owner: EliteUnicorns
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Level 4
Health 16/16
Stamina 28/28

Well Rested

Breedable in 29 hours

Cimmeris hasn't done anything recently.

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Level 67%
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Elon Description

Cimmeris bounded down the hill, trotting across the field, she halted beside slow flowing stream. She bent her head to lap at the crystal clear but icy water, She gulped down the liquid and looked upward, watching the sun dip behind the trees in the distance. She flopped down with a sigh, curling up flicking her tail over her muzzle, she fell asleep. Cimmeris crouched in a small hollow between some rocks, listening to the two males fighting, she shivered at the thought. When the growling died down, she slowly crept out of the hollow, straightening her ears to listen, she couldn't see nor hear the other Elons, She parted her jaws and breathed inwards, catching a strong whiff of blood. She spun around, fear sparked in her eyes, and her pelt stood on end, The larger of the males was in front of her, licking the red liquid off his paws, She flattened her ears against her head. She began to back up, not taking her bright blue eyes of the creature in front of her. He was a dark brown, With a golden under pelt with a tan stomach and tan streak on his tail. His golden eyes opened slowly, he watched the female back up, alarm clouded his amber eyes, he barked a warning, not moving. Cimmeris glanced behind her, she had almost fallen into the stream. She stopped, looking back at him, still watching her, she got lower to the ground. He got up, and slowly padded up to her, She was about to jump across the stream when he stopped, the male perked his ears, glancing over his shoulder when a female human appeared. She looked at Cemmeris, who began to wag her short tail as the girl smiled, The woman slowly approached Cimmeris and held out her hand for her to sniff. The human and the male Elon turned and started to walk off across the field, The cream colored female decided to go with them, when she caught up with the two, The male looked over at her, happiness showing his gaze..


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