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Elon Prism

You hear Chase crying in excitement as you approach. He doesn't stop once you near, instead butting his head into the palm of your hand and his cries turn joyful as you start rubbing his head.

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Chase (158817) Male Gender Symbol
Adult (38 Days)
Water icon Zorvic
Traits: Aggressive, Intelligent, Vocal
Owner: zDelta
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Level 54
Health 96/96
Stamina 128/128

Well Rested

Ready to breed.

Chase hasn't done anything recently.

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Level 67%
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Elon Description

As my husky Delta and I approached the sound of growling in the snow capped mountains, we dove beneath the snow-covered bushes, trying not to make a sound. The pitter of paws was coming closer as Delta growled. She leapt out from behind the bushes to face the enemy. It was a green and red Zorvic. It looked like Christmas colors to me. I was a bit sad at the thought that Delta would be able to drive the Zorvic away, since she was a high level. Delta looked at me questionably, as to whether or not she should fight him. I gave Delta the signal, and she attacked. The Zorvic got knocked down by Delta's force, and I noticed that his health wasn't down all the way just yet. I held up my hand for Delta to wait, as she whined and backed away. I held out a Greater Prism to the injured Zorvic, as it surrounded him. It seems as if he had accepted his fate that awaited him. I carried him back home where I gave him health potions to make him feel better. Delta wagged her tail as he became active again. He was a bit skittish at first, but he soon became good friends with all my Elons.


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