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Queen Cookiecake

Elon Prism
A Valentine Pink Nyrin Plush Queen Cookiecake's favorite toy
A heart indicating elon is bonded

Queen Cookiecake growls as you approach. Better keep your distance or you might get bitten.

Queen Cookiecake (129740) Female Gender Symbol
Adult (50 Days)
Ice icon Razic
Traits: Adventurous, Reliant, Social
Owner: TheOnlyUltima
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Level 55
Health 89/89
Stamina 121/121


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Level 30%
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Elon Description

Queen Cookiecake oversees the second branch of the Bakery Kingdom and is Her Majesty Gertrude's daughter. Ironically, though the most prized and respected marking to Cookiecake is ocelot, she does not have ocelot, and is quite ashamed of this. She can often be found foraging mushrooms, willing them to be rare marking shrooms. However, even if they are found, there is a very tiny chance they will actually give her ocelot out of all random markings. She loathes this trait, and sees her imperfections in her descendants if they lack ocelot, frequently lashing out and venting her embarrassment over lacking ocelot markings on them.


Gertrude - Gertrude was the first ruler of the Bakery Kingdom, and one of her descendants was Cookiecake. Doting on her razic daughter, she granted her an entirely new branch of the Bakery Kingdom to rule over, along with whichever partner she would choose. Cookiecake loved and appreciated her mother for everything she did for her, and believes Gertrude got her where she is today. Cookiecake still mourns Queen Gertrude's passing, and visits her grave every week to "have tea" with her and put tiny flowers on the gravesite as a tribute.

Peacocker - Visit Peacocker's page.

Black Coffee - Cookiecake turns her nose up at this dictating ruler. She often tries to seize some power away from her throne of the other branch of the Kingdom, and believes Queen Black Coffee is not fit to rule. Though she respects her ambition, Queen Cookiecake often angers easily at her tendency to suddenly start snapping and yelling and her general wariness and coldness. Cookiecake enjoys holding parties and inviting royals over. Black Coffee thinks this is a waste of time and an argument was once started over an invitation Cookiecake sent to Black Coffee.

Chimera - Cookiecake was overjoyed during her and Chimera's wedding, and often bragged about it to Peacocker to anger him on purpose. Chimera helped her overcome her fury at Peacocker and grief of Queen Gertrude with weekly tea parties in the afternoons. Queen Cookiecake is often slightly curious about Chimera's origins and gren biology, as Chimera was the first gren to arrive in the Bakery Kingdom.

King Lyman - Visit "King" Lyman's page.

Flowerheart - Cookiecake was unhealthily obsessive and controlling of her daughter, since she didn't have ocelot. Cookiecake saw her worst in Flowerheart, and she was often given very little royal benefits, if at all, compared to all her ocelot-ed heirs. Queen Cookiecake was the main reason that Flowerheart ran away, and Queen Cookiecake was furious when she ran away. When rumors reached her that Flowerheart had died, she was oddly sad, and though she grieved, she wasn't as sad about her death as she would another member of her family. Flowerheart's existence has mostly been wiped from the history books and the Bakery Kingdom school curriculum, but curious travelers may find their way to the Moonrock Refuge, where battered and dirty elons will smile and tell of a kind, sweet aortic that never turned anyone away, regardless of how they looked or acted.


Commerce Information for Queen Cookiecake

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Queen Cookiecake's Parents
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Queen Cookiecake's Children