Hello and Welcome to Eliyo!
If you want to get started right away, then Visit Clayton in Lavinth, a city in the world of Eliyo. Clayton is a breeder of sorts and may be willing to help you out. He knows a lot about taking care of elons too.
If you prefer to read more before jumping in then you can continue by reading the Getting Started Guide now and then visit Clayton when you’re ready. You could also visit the Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) page to get some quick answers.
×Hello !

Thorn scampers away from you, eyeing the open area behind you thoughtfully as if he wants to run.
Ready to breed.
Thorn hasn't done anything recently.
Level 62%
Elon Description
Pack Role: Sigma | Although Very timid and shy, Thorn knows how to get things done. His long legs help get around border patrols must faster than the average pack member. However, he is a bit of a scardy cat, and will try anything to avoid conflict. He has a calming aura with him, and whenever there is a fight he will usually try to calm it down, unless its with the higher ups then he will be in the corner, frozen by fear of their strength.
Commerce Information for Thorn
Coin Cost
Not available for coins.
Elyte Cost
Not available for elytes.
Public Breeding
Not available for public breeding.