Hello and Welcome to Eliyo!
If you want to get started right away, then Visit Clayton in Lavinth, a city in the world of Eliyo. Clayton is a breeder of sorts and may be willing to help you out. He knows a lot about taking care of elons too.
If you prefer to read more before jumping in then you can continue by reading the Getting Started Guide now and then visit Clayton when you’re ready. You could also visit the Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) page to get some quick answers.
×Hello !

Rose pants and drools a little, whining a hello at your approach. Her tail wags a little but she doesn't get up when she sees you.

Ready to breed.
Rose hasn't done anything recently.
Level 70%
Elon Description
Pack Role: Lota | Rose is known for two things; Being pretty, and being pretty bratty. She will get anything with her flick of her ear. She believes that she should get the best pickings of the pile, the best sleeping spot, and the best relationships. Despite the bold claims, but some pack mates know that she wouldn't be able to survive on her own. Her calm and pretty demeanor can easily lure in males to get exactly what she wants.She seeks to be alpha one day so that she can be entirely fussed over.
Commerce Information for Rose
Coin Cost
Not available for coins.
Elyte Cost
Not available for elytes.
Public Breeding
Not available for public breeding.